Wednesday, December 30, 2009

stepping up to twenty-ten

thank you uriel, thank you jennifer hoffman

day nine - Accept

These past few years may have given us many reasons to doubt others' sincerity, love, integrity and commitment to us. We have to see others as they are before we can understand why we need to release them to find their own path and power, without our support, guidance and assistance. These can be bitter pills to swallow and leave us hurt, angry and sometimes resentful. Acceptance is one way in which we express unconditional love to others, and that means accepting them as they are, without judgment.

For today, give someone the gift of acceptance. See them as they are, acknowledge the value and healing of their journey, and allow them to follow it, no matter what it is, knowing it is right for them. See them as perfect, whole and complete, exactly as they are at this moment.

Because they are, and so are you.

day eight - Acknowledge Yourself

When the healing we extend to others who reject it we feel the pain on many levels. When life does not turn out as we want, we think we are unworthy. On an emotional level we feel powerless. Spiritual, we think our contracts are incomplete. Our mission is to bring light to the world and even if it takes a day, month or longer for the results to appear, we do move the energy and the results will manifest with divine timing. We can extend the healing by acknowledging our ourselves, no matter what appears to be happening around us. Recognize that you do the best you can, in every situation.

For day, acknowledge yourself as the teacher, healer, student and powerful being that you are. Everything you do is successful, every aspect of your being is important to your own mission of healing, growth and transformation. Find joy in the light and love you bring to the world. This is what you are here to do, for yourself and for humanity. Acknowledge each step on your journey because each one is equally important. No matter how much others do or do not accept you, acknowledge yourself a powerful, divine being who is worthy of acceptance. Release those who reject you and the healing you offer them, acknowledge their path and be at peace knowing that you have done the best you could and the rest is up to them.

day seven - Love

Love is what we all seek and too often we do not find it. We all have experiences of betrayal, abandonment and pain that can make us believe that we are not worthy of love, or that love is for others and not for us. No matter what has happened to us, we are worthy of love and whatever pain we have been through has been part of our own healing, and that of those we connect with. Our greatest and most powerful teachers are those who cause us the most pain and every experience contains a blessing.

Today, consider the most unlovable person in your life, the one who has caused you the most pain, and send them unconditional love. This is how you release them and yourself from whatever karma you have between you. Now send that same love to yourself because you deserve it and are worthy of it. Send love to everyone around you, all of the time. Become a source of love and light for others and it will be returned to you.

day six - Appreciate

In our work to heal ourselves and the world we can become so involved in the healing process and vested in the outcome that we take do not recognize the blessings that come to us every day. We believe we could have done more, faster, better, been more careful, observant or simply known better and this ignores the blessings of every step on our path. In order to be the light and love for the world, we have to begin with loving ourselves and our perfection and acknowledge the blessings we have.

For today, recognize one or more blessings in your life and appreciate them. They may be as basic as having food to eat, clean water, a safe place to sleep, and financial security. These are things you take for granted but for many people, these are luxuries. Your lessons are blessings too, although they may not feel that way, so be grateful for the learning and healing they gave you. Be grateful for each thing in your life, appreciate the joys and sorrows, the opportunities to learn which bring understanding. Make appreciation a daily practice and watch your blessings multiply.

day five - Intention

Intention is everything. It creates the energy for whatever is going to manifest for us. We set intentions for healing and then are surprised when our life is full of healing opportunities. Why not set an intention for joy, abundance, love and success? Setting an intention is how we create energetic openings for what we want to manifest in our life.

For today, set your intention for the wonderful things you want to create in 2010. Be bold, daring, courageous and outrageous. Set your intention for what you want, instead of what you think you can have. Remember that the Universe works with you, not for you. Set your intention for the biggest, most wonderful life experience you can imagine and then invite the Universe to surprise you with something better.

day four - Claim your Creativity

We think of creative people as those who create art or music, who write, knit, cook or sew. Creativity is not limited to what you can do with your hands, it is what you are and the way you create your reality. Each of us is creative, we are all creators and we use these abilities every day. Every aspect of your life is something you have created. You have a choice to be stuck in it, if it is something you do not like, or create something different.

For today, claim your creativity. You are a co-creator with Source and the earth is your canvas. What do you want your little piece of the earth to look like? It is in your hands and heart to create the life of your dreams. So create something wonderful and then enjoy the manifestation of your creative power.

day three - Move the Energy

Energy is a constantly moving force that surrounds us with the opportunity to create an unfolding reality. When we are flowing with this energy we feel energized, excited and have many opportunities available to us. When we are stuck, the energy stagnates and we feel depressed, sad and anxious. The energy is trying to move and we are in the way.

For today, move some energy. It is stuck because you have stopped moving forward in some area of your life. If you do not know where to start, begin with your physical environment. Clean a closet, straighten your desk, give away something that holds memories you no longer want to keep, give away things you no longer want or need. In your emotional environment, make a list of the emotions you want to be present in your life and set your intention on them. Pay attention to your thoughts and when the negative ones come up, replace them with something positive. Stay focused on moving the energy and it will flow in your life.

day two - Disconnect

Hidden within our energetic being are multitudes of cords that connect us to emotions, beliefs, thoughts, experiences and people. Everything you encounter in your life has an energetic connection to you. The cords that are based in fear siphon energy away from you. The ones that are grounded in love return energy to you. Fear-based cords are activated when it is time to disconnect and release them. This is a choice point for an important decision, do you return the emotion in kind or do you disconnect from it?

Each person who pushes your buttons is activating a cord you share with them. Instead of responding to them with your own fear, connect to your inner guidance and ask what cordis being activated and the lesson it corresponds to.Then set a conscious intention to disconnect the cord from that person, to send them unconditional love and see them in their perfection. As you disconnect from this energetic level, you allow the possibility for a connection at a higher vibration.

For today, practice disconnecting from every energy you do not want to be part of your life in 2010. Send love and light to the cords that bind you to fear and release them to complete those lessons. Set an intention for relationships and experiences that honor, enlighten, fulfill, respect and shower you with love.

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