Wednesday, January 20, 2010


why does the date matter
when it is a moment in time;
a moment to forget?

there is haze in the air
helping to forget fading magic.
peace, and people. and coffee
blend into hand-painted tables
and bumper-sticker walls
and i cannot recall how i got here.

the emollience has taken me nowhere
for a while now
and i know i never want to wake up
from this.

and is this sustainable
like the magic herb growers in oregon?
and is this safe
like my bed and my pillow
and my memories?

and where is the line
and you know this is true
and it can be anything you imagine.

every day has been a clear canvas
stroking inside and out of the lines
until i have painted you perfectly.

it is leather bound, all this is
and i will continue to check in with you

it hovers somewhere and syringes downward,
each time, training and testing each time.
is there method in the involuntary madness?

i don't always draw hearts and flowers
and symbols
but i like those things, i do.

the walls are speckeled differently today
but he will sing the same songs
until i understand the lyrics
and the gathering of souls to witness
the truth of this meeting.

it has been long,
but long
and i send love to you dear friend

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