Sunday, January 31, 2010

project: walking with the gods

concept: still to evolve somewhat. peace of art created from a spontaneous or sort out divine interaction every day. sharing sparks. mending. always laughing.

Afanasi, Roert Smyth, Steve

each has a name. it started on the steps.
in another universe. with no dawn coming.
then breakfast and a class to get to
on the ferry building clock's chime.
it was the orchid that kept me
and your photograph that drew me
and your voice of devil talk and peace possibility
and almonds, blue eyes, balloons
and rainbows
arching into the perfect crevice of being fed.
i kept making decisions of where to take us
they were perfect and seaweed sweet.
it felt purposeful like jasmine memories
and i stay out for as long as the day will have me
nothing ends as sweetly as it could than with a chai
steamed and rich
in a hostel selling peace
specificity brings untwinging attention
and tonight will be a night unlike any other

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